More from the Foxwhelp Weekend

Some more pictures from the recent Foxwhelp weekend.

At the session at the Harp in Glasbury on Friday night. Mick and Jane pause for breath.

Friday night session at the Harp in Glasbury. Mick and Jane take a break.

Friday night session at the Harp in Glasbury. Mick and Jane take a break.

Our first location in Hay-on-Wye on Saturday, with our hosts Foxwhelp Morris and local sides Jenny Pipes and Leominster Morris

Outside Hay Castle. Barbera gets a better view of the action.

Outside Hay Castle. Barbera gets a better view of the action.

Foxwhelp at Whitney Bridge.

Foxwhelp at Whitney Bridge.

Jenny Pipes outside Hay Castle.

Jenny Pipes outside Hay Castle.

Leominster Morris outside Hay Castle.

Leominster Morris outside Hay Castle.